Jammin Jack

Beer Style(s): Saison
ABV: 7.1%
IBU: 20
Tasting Notes: Clove, Nutmeg, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Spice
Available in: 4 Pack, Draft

This pumpkin spice saison is a harmonious blend of rich, earthy pumpkin flavors and a medley of warm, aromatic spices. With a smooth, medium-bodied profile, it offers a perfect balance between the sweetness of pumpkin and the subtle kick of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. The addition of saison yeast lends a crisp, refreshing finish, making Jammin Jack a versatile choice for fall gatherings. Whether sipped by a bonfire or paired with hearty dishes, this brew is sure to evoke the cozy, nostalgic spirit of the season.